Friday, January 26, 2018

Blog 1

Would things drastically change if we changed the Constitution? Many like to follow the rules of the Constitution, but how much harm is it causing or not causing to the people of the United states?  Many people have different opinions on weather it should be followed, changed or ignored.
I do believe that we as the people of this country should follow these rules, but i do not believe people that are not from this country should be forced into following in what they do not believe in. Many people like to try to in force these sent of rules upon people that have their own beliefs. If people want to follow the set of rules form the Constitution by all means, but i do not think it is right to force someone who isn't of this country to belief in something we do. They should have the right to believe in what they want as the 1st Amendment says "Freedom of Speech", they should be able to speak their mind and their opinion without being judged. This country is supposed to be where people can come and be who they are, come to our country for it's so called freedom, but they can't do that with people forcing a new set of rules to someone who is a stranger to the United States Culture.


In Crisy21's blog 5, I agree with Crissy21 about this situation that has been in the air for a long while. Many in fact do smoke it, but...